

75kg (165.34lb.) - Concert tickets. (23.04.11)

70kg (154.32lb.)  - New jeans and jumper. (24.07.11)

68kg (149.81lb.) - See a movie. (06.01.2012)

65kg (143.30lb.) - One whole outfit. (17.01.2012)

60kg (132.27lb.) - Pedicure. (18.02.2012)

55kg (121.25lb.) - Hair cut and foils.

50kg (110.23lb.) - Shopping spree :D

Flat stomach - Dye hair (If I still want to by then) or super fitting dress or top.

Waist 61cm (24 inches) - Accesory.

Hips 71cm (28 inches) - Accesory.

Comfy size AU14 bottoms (US10) - The bottoms that I fit into. (22.05.11)

Comfy size AU12 bottoms (US8) - The bottoms that I fit into. (skipped size)

Comfy size AU10 bottoms (US6) - The bottoms that I fit into. (18.02.2012)

Comfy size AU8 bottoms (US4) - The bottoms that I fit into.

Maintain for 3 months (allow 2kg gain) - Theme Park or travel.

UPDATED (2016)

88kg - New gym pants
85kg - New phone

80kg - Hair cut
77kg - New workout top
75kg - New outfit
73kg - New gym bag
70kg - New gym outfit
68kg - 4 new items of choice
65kg - Shopping spree