Wednesday, 1 June 2011

I won't ruin June too.

Sorry for the lack of posts lately!

In my absence, I've had my birthday, which, y'know, yay :)  But, that turned every single day into binge central. I would eat just for the sake of it. And it was all junk food too.

I've been trying for a few days now, to change my eating habits around. It's been hard though. But today, the first day of June; I've made a start on what I hope is my turning point :)

I started a liquid fast today. I'm hoping to lose the weight that I put on from the 'continuous binge'.

It pretty much was continuous. I pretty much always was eating something. It was disgusting.

But anyway; I'll be posting my daily weight and calorie intake on my page 'My Diets, Past and Present' and also my daily weigh in will be on the page 'Daily Weigh In'.

I'm hoping to continue this liquid fast for at LEAST three days. More if I can push through work without food.   I have school tomorrow though.. So that's going to be a challenge getting through, with the sudden lack of food. Gahh. I can see myself giving in tomorrow. :\

Stay strong.
-Kayla <3