Thursday, 5 May 2011


I know I don't have many readers, but for those who do read my blogs; I'm sorry that I haven't posted in so long. >.<

The reason being, I'm a failure. A fat failure.

So, I did my 51 hour fast. That was great :) And I was fine for a while. But then I fell back into the habit of binging. I'm at the stage of; if it's there, I'll eat it.
I've binged for the last 3 days, on cake mostly. Fat arse, I know. But I haven't put on as much weight as I thought I would thank goodness.

Oh, someone, who doesn't know I'm trying to lose weight, finally noticed that I've lost weight. It was a nice moment. :)  But now I feel more pressure.. 

I reached a new LW of 73.5kg (162.03 lb), but have put on since then.

This was only meant to be a short blog on how I'm a fat failure. But I guess not :P

I started self harming again. I didn't do it too often in the past. But I still did. It's for different reasons this time though. And I'm going to do it every time I binge. How else will I learn.

Sorry for the depressing blog.

Stay strong. And support each other. You have no idea what it means when someone doesn't judge you for your mistakes.
-Kayla <3