Sunday, 1 April 2012

ABC Day 1 & 30 Day Shred Day 1

I'm back guys! :D

I wouldn't say I'm totally over the binge phase yet though. I must admit, as the day went on I had to talk myself out of eating a whole lot more. But one day at a time. Once I get through this week, then I'll be fine.

And yes guys, I have gained weight. A lot. I'm higher than I was at the start of the year. But that's just what I get for eating 2000-5000 calories everyday for a month and a half.

I also started the 30 Day Shred today! :D I nearly gave up at the beginning. But I pushed through it and it was over before I knew it!
Although, I STILL suck at push ups. A lot.


Uncle Toby's Creamy Honey quick sachet of oats. Made with water.

Apple, medium.
Roasted cauliflower.

Sourdough roll with tomato, lettuce and cheese on it.
Spicy tomato soup.

Total: 496 calories.
Limit: 500 calories.
Net: 326 calories.

On a totally different note; my sister is trying to lose weight. She is obese. She is dieting with her fiance. This week, he lost more than her (I don't know about over all or anything) and she is pissed. She doesn't understand why she isn't losing more, because she is the bigger of the two.
I think it is because one, male metabolisms are naturally faster. And two, he does more moving around than her. He works 5 days a week, doing something with delivery or stock or something and she work 1-2 days a week, in like 3 hour shifts, either standing not doing much, or not putting much effort into picking up clothes. So, it's totally understandable why he is losing more. But she doesn't see that.
And what scares me is that she only eats 700-800 calories. I REALLY don't want her to have to go through an eating disorder.
Plus, I think because I am lighter than her, and lose weight pretty fast, she thinks because she is bigger than that should be easy peasy for her. Plus I tell my family when they ask that I eat about 1000-1200 calories. So she thinks that she is eating way less and not getting anywhere.
I don't know how to help her without admitting my deepest darkest secret.

Anyway! Enough of that little rant there! :P

I have a weight-loss plan set out for where I want to be at in a week ect. I want to have lost 5kg this week. I think it's doable, considering I lost a little under 5kg in the first week of ABC last time. The difference being I'm exercising this time. So hopefully I'll lose a little more this time around :)
Trying not to put pressure on myself though.

ABC starting weight: 71.8kg (158.29 lb)

Can't take it back, it's too late.
-Kayla <3