Sunday, 17 April 2011

It's time for a change

So, first things first. I didn't exercise today. But I did stay well under my calorie limit for today.  I plan to exercise twice as much tomorrow :)

Today I decided that I'm going to finish The Skinny Girl Diet at day 17.  I'm just not losing as much as I would like. So, I'm opting for the ABC Diet. I always stay well under my calorie limit anyway, so hopefully it won't be too much harder :)  The only difference is that I have to count fruit and vegetables as calories, which you didn't on The Skinny Girl Diet.

The only thing is I'll have to swap a few days around because of social events I am attending. The only thing I am worried about is the morning after I sleepover my friends, I'm going to have to have breakfast, (toast or something), and then I have a bbq lunch I'm going to that same day. I can restrict before the sleepover, but I'm worried about going well over at the bbq. I'll try and keep it small but convincible at the bbq.  ;)

Anyhoo, I also plan to keep taking pictures of every single thing that I eat from now on, and blogging them after I've eaten everything for that day.

Today I had 406 calories. All in dinner.

Come back for a new blog about my first day on the ABC Diet tomorrow :)  Wish me luck :3
Stay strong and believe.
-Kayla <3

PS. Here's some thinspo for you :) <3


Ana Lovely said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

When I have a big family thing like a bbq where there are lots of calories, I feign a stomach ache or car sickness on the way over. I had chronic stomach issues as a kid, so they've always believed me. IDK if you can use that. Just use it every once in a while. Everyone is sick now and then ;)

Kayla said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

It just so happens that I get car sick ^^
Good plan! ;D <3