Thursday 12 May 2011

Liquid Diet/Fast

If you've been checking on my 'My Diets, Past and Present' page, or follow me on twitter, then you would have noticed that I'm on a liquid fast at the moment. I've completed 3 days, and am on my 4th at the moment. I've lost 3.1kg (6.83 lb) since I started. That's almost exactly what I lose on 16 days of the ABC diet. Woah.

I think I am going to continue this liquid fast until I have reached my GW2. I'm estimating that that is around another three days or so away. But if my body can't cope with that, reaching a new LW would be just as good :) I'm 0.2kg (0.44 lb) away from a new LW.

I am quite amazed at how easy I have found this liquid fast to be. The only time I experienced bad stomach grumbles was yesterday, I think that was because I was at school and because I only had 5-ish hours sleep the night before. Also the first day I had band stomach grumbles, I think that was just because I wasn't used to eating so little. But apart from that, I haven't had much else :) No head spins really, and no hunger pains or anything :)

I've been liquid fasting with a friend on twitter :) She has been great support :) <3  (

On another note, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while! D: If you want to follow me everyday (if I haven't posted a blog) then you can check out my twitter to see what I am up to. (  Also the 'My Diets, Past and Present' page will have my stats for the day :) 

I hope you are all doing well,
Stay strong and keep believing :)
-Kayla <3

Friday 6 May 2011

Getting back on track

Last night, I realised that I might be binging excessively because I'm bored with my diet. So, I decided yesterday was my last day  on the ABC diet, and I started looking for something new. I couldn't find anything. So, for now, I'm just going to try and keep it under 500 calories a day, until my binging is under control.  If you know of any good diets that I should try, let me know :)

I've burned a little over 200 calories so far, which is good :) I'm going to aim to burn at least 100 calories a day. I was going to try 500 at least. But I don't know if I have that much stamina.. hah.

Last night, right before I went to sleep I had a big binge. I was ridiculously full from it. And I feel all gross today. :\

I put on since yesterdays weigh in. But that's no surprise considering all that I ate.

I'm wanting to be back down to my LW by this time next week. I'm also aiming for no binges at all this week.

Stay strong. Stay motivated.
-Kayla <3

Thursday 5 May 2011


I know I don't have many readers, but for those who do read my blogs; I'm sorry that I haven't posted in so long. >.<

The reason being, I'm a failure. A fat failure.

So, I did my 51 hour fast. That was great :) And I was fine for a while. But then I fell back into the habit of binging. I'm at the stage of; if it's there, I'll eat it.
I've binged for the last 3 days, on cake mostly. Fat arse, I know. But I haven't put on as much weight as I thought I would thank goodness.

Oh, someone, who doesn't know I'm trying to lose weight, finally noticed that I've lost weight. It was a nice moment. :)  But now I feel more pressure.. 

I reached a new LW of 73.5kg (162.03 lb), but have put on since then.

This was only meant to be a short blog on how I'm a fat failure. But I guess not :P

I started self harming again. I didn't do it too often in the past. But I still did. It's for different reasons this time though. And I'm going to do it every time I binge. How else will I learn.

Sorry for the depressing blog.

Stay strong. And support each other. You have no idea what it means when someone doesn't judge you for your mistakes.
-Kayla <3