Saturday 30 July 2011


This past week has been a beyond lazy week. Food wise and with just life in general.

I haven't weighed since I last posted, but I've most probably put all of the previous weeks weight back on, and probably more.

This week I've been eating what I want, when I want. Even if I'm not hungry.

I think it's because I've been angry at myself for other stuff which is leading to me not caring. About anything.

I've been comforting myself, saying 'I'll undo all of this when I start my diet in August'. It's only a few days away, so hopefully the damage isn't too horrid.

So, yes, my August diet. I'm going to be restricting HEAPS more than I usually do, throughout August. PLUS I'm going to try and burn everything off, since I won't be eating that much anyway.
For the first week, I'm going to be eating 100 cals, then 200, then 300, and well, you get the gist. I've got my diet plan worked out for the first week, but I can't think of anything for the second week.. and anything after that.

I've also decided that I'm going to be posting my food diaries on here EVERYDAY. Hopefully it's another incentive to stick to this. But I'm super confident that I will stick to it. My goal is to be at 65kg by the end of August. Which is my GW4. It's most definitely possible, and I am determined to accomplish it.

In other news, I'm pretty sure I'm going to get kicked out of school.. For not attending enough. Stupid anxiety >.<   I've been looking into homeschooling though. Maybe my parents will let me do that.. if not.. then I'm screwed.. :'\

My next post will probably be on the 1st of August, of my food journal, starting weight, ect.

Until then,
Stay beautifully strong,
-Kayla <3

Sunday 24 July 2011

Fruit Diet Accomplished

In my last post, I wrote about starting the 'Russian Gymnast Diet'. Well, that only lasted a day, so I turned it into a fruit diet. I weighed in this morning and overall I lost 4.4kg (9.70 lb) :D  I'm quite happy with the results :D

So, I did the fruit diet for 7 days. By the end of it, and still now, fruit just does not appeal to me all that much :P  But I'm definitely going to do the diet again, when I'm in need of a quick fix.

So, I just had lunch. I ate way too much >.<  And the suckish thing is, I want to eat more! Wtf?! I'm full -.-    That's just my old habits kicking in. I don't think it has anything to do with the fruit diet.

Hopefully I don't put on this week.. I'm SO close to my GW..

I've been thinking, and at the moment my GW is 60kg, but I will most probably go lower than that.

Until next time, lovley's,
-Kayla <3

Friday 15 July 2011

If this doesn't work. I don't know what to do.

This Sunday, the 17th, I'm going to start the 'Russian Gymnast Diet'. This is my attempt at trying to lose SOMETHING. Weight loss has been extremely slow to non existent lately. 

The other week I attempted the ABC Diet. And failed. 

I've been exercising everyday, so it's so frustrating that I'm not losing weight >.<

Also, on Sunday I'm going to look for exercise machines at the shops, because I want something quiet that I can put in my room to use at night, which is usually when I feel like doing exercise the most.

I feel like my stomach is bigger. It probably is. The only reason why I think this is because my Mum bought some jeans, the exact same ones as I have, but a different colour, and they're tight. But I'm not sure if it's the make or if I've put on weight, because my other ones fit nicely.. I guess I've worn them in?.. I don't know.

So yeah, if the 'Russian Gymnast Diet' doesn't work, then I seriously don't know what else to do.  Although, I'm kind of worried that my stomach will grumble during school this week. It's my first week back in months.. it's going to be hard enough as it is >.<
But I'm determined to stick to this diet. I'm sick of not losing weight, and staying fat.

We'll make it.
-Kayla <3