Tuesday 31 January 2012

ABC Day 31 - A full no binge month!

This is the first full month I have ever had that I haven't binged! Pretty proud of myself :) It's pretty terrible that it's the first month ever though. But I shall make many more :)

No binges next month either :)

Today was the almighty 800 calorie day. It's the end of the day, I'm in bed at the moment and my stomach is SO full. When I stand up it is just so uncomfortable how full I feel :/
But I stayed within my calorie limit, don't worry.
I'm kind of worried that I won't lose much weight on the rest of this diet. Because they're pretty high calorie days; compared to what I have been eating.

Didn't work out :/ but I did work for 6 or so hours.

Fasting tomorrow. So hopefully I lose anything I've gained.

Food diary:

A piece of whole meal toast.


Afternoon tea:
4x rice cakes.
5 grapes.

Other snacks:
3x cordial ice cups.

Korma sauce.

Total: 797 calories.
Limit: 800 calories.

I had gained when I weighed in this morning. :/

Weight-gain today: 0.6kg (1.32 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 8.6kg (18.95 lb)
Weight: 62.5kg (137.78 lb)

Stick with it until you get there.
-Kayla <3

Monday 30 January 2012

ABC Day 30 - So close!

Only 20 days left of the ABC!

Today was good :)

I burnt 113 calories doing 26 minutes of EA Sports Active 2. :)

I'm going to exercise every second day. Burning at LEAST 100 calories. The other days I can either rest or go for a walk or something.
I plan to go for a walk tomorrow afternoon :)

Tonight, I'm wearing an old baggy t-shirt; my dad was like "you're getting bone-y." I was like "Um.. where? o.O What do you  mean?" He then pointed out my shoulder blades, shoulders (couldn't see my collar bones, but they're looking pretty amazing ;)) and how "skinny" my arms are. My arms aren't even skinny. But anyway. I was like "..maybe it's just because I'm wearing a baggy shirt?" He was like "maybe it is, but you do look bone-y"
It made me smile. Even though I don't see myself as thin or bone-y yet.

I washed my hair for the first time in like 5 days today. Normally it gets oily after 2 whole days and I have to wash it. But this time it didn't. It is SO dry. :S It worries me. I think I need to get some of them hair and nails vitimans..

Food diary:

14 grapes.

3 peices of wholemeal toast.
Slice of beetroot.
Sweet chilli sauce.
2 egg whites.

3x cordial ice cups.

Total: 286 calories.
Limit: 300 calories.

Tomorrow is the big 800 calorie day :S  I'm not really eating that much though. Just having a higher calorie dinner really.

New LW again :D  I feel like I am going to put on when I weigh in, in the morning though. I don't know why. I think it's because my brain knows it was a higher calorie day, so it automatically assumes I'll put on. I do think I will though. I really hope I don't.

Weight-loss today: 0.1kg (0.22 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 9.2kg (20.28 lb)
Weight: 61.9kg (136.46)

Here's to the future and everything it will bring.
-Kayla <3

Sunday 29 January 2012

ABC Day 29

At a new LW once again :D

I didn't exercise today.
I am ridiculously sore from yesterday's workout.
Definitely working out tomorrow. No matter what.

Food diary:

10 grapes.

2x cordial ice cups.
10 grapes.

Tomato cup of soup.
1 piece of wholemeal toast.

Total: 180 calories.
Limit: 200 calories.

Figuring out my food plan for the week starting on the 6th of February, at the moment. Lots of calories that week! It's making it difficult for me to find stuff to have actually haha :P o.O

Not too much to write about today..

Weight-loss today: 0.1kg (0.22 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 9.1kg (20.06 lb)
Weight: 62.0kg (136.68 lb)

It's never too late.
-Kayla <3

Saturday 28 January 2012

ABC Day 28

Good day again :D

I actually exercised today :)

I did the shortest amount of time on the treadmill ever. But I did a workout on EA Games Sports Active. So yay :)
I burnt 144 calories. :)

Food diary:

4x cordial ice cups.

Uncle Toby's Oats Creamy Honey.

Total: 169 calories.
Limit: 200 calories.

Going to try and keep exercising everyday again.
I especially need to on Tuesday. The 800 calorie day.

The whole day I was watching cooking videos online. Is that weird? :P I'm not tempted by it. I just enjoy watching them for some reason.. o.O

Oh! New LW by the way! :D

Weight-loss today: 0.9kg (1.98 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 9.0kg (19.84 lb)
Weight: 62.1kg (136.90 lb)

Don't look back.
-Kayla <3

Friday 27 January 2012

ABC Day 27

Today went well :)

I tried celery again. Still don't like it. Damn.

Didn't work out. Apart from 3 hours of work.

I just watched some videos from a few months ago. The weight-loss is clear. It's weird that I don't see it in person though. But when I see videos and pictures I'm like "wow".  At least now I know I've made progress :)

Today I've been trying to work out what I am going to eat in March after ABC and the end of February diet is over.. I'm really nervous that I am going to go in full on binge mode and put on all the weight again :\  I REALLY need a plan so I have control and not binge.

Food diary:

6x cordial ice cups.
Tiniest piece of celery ever.


Total: 87 calories.
Limit: 100 calories.

Next week is going to pretty high calorie. The next two days is 200. Then I have a 300 day. Then the 800 day. Then I'm fasting the next day, I'm working the lunch rush that day, so I'm a little nervous, but I'm going to have to be alright.

Craving carbs at the moment. Which is super random. I don't know if I'm craving them, or it's just because I've been looking up recipes and I feel like cooking :P

Weight-loss today:  0kg (0 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 8.1kg (17.85 lb)
Weight: 63.0kg (138.89 lb)

"The world is ours, if we want it, we can take it."
-Kayla <3

Thursday 26 January 2012

ABC Day 26 - Happy Australia Day!

Today was Australia Day. So my family had a BBQ in celebration.
I just had some lettuce and coleslaw. The meat didn't even appeal to me. I think I am going to carry on my vegetarianism even after February. :)

Today I worked for 4 hours. It was ridiculously busy! I didn't get a moment if rest! Public holidays are usually pretty busy though.

Food diary:

Little but of coleslaw.

4x cordial ice cups.

Total: 50 calories.
Limit: 50 calories.

I burnt about 631 calories at work. So yay :)

My friend who I've only just started talking to again after months of no contact, is really into fitness and working out, at the moment. She is also a vegetarian. So we are hopefully going to work out together, and she is going to teach me how to cook some vegetarian meals and what not :)

Weight-loss today: 0.2kg (0.44lb)
ABC weight-loss: 8.1kg (17.85 lb)
Weight: 63.0kg (138.89 lb)

Don't give up.
-Kayla <3

Wednesday 25 January 2012

ABC Day 25 - Half way there!

Half way through the ABC diet! :D

My weight went down again so yay :D

To mark the occasion I planned to post progress pictures. But Im still way too fat for that. I'll just post before during and ends pictures when I finish this diet :)

I will post my measurements though. Which have all gone down! :D

Waist: 68.6cm -7.5cm
Hips: 93.5cm -4.5 m
Thigh: 58cm -3cm
Upper arm: 28.5cm -4cm
Neck: 29.5cm -1.5cm
Calf: 33.5cm -1.5cm

The starting measurements were taken on the 14th of December 2011.


Food diary:



Cordial ice cup.

Total: 95 calories.
Limit: 100 calories.

Tomorrow is Australia day, my family is having a BBQ. So, that isn't going to be very much fun. I'm going to be asked why I'm not eating, not even salad. Because it's only a 50 calorie day tomorrow.

I'm working for 4 hours though. So yay for double time and a half! :D

I expect to have gained weight when I weigh in tomorrow, because I ate pretty late tonight. The only reason why I ate so late was because I had finished work at 8:30pm and I thought that I better eat something because I have work in the morning and I'm not going to be eating again until tomorrow night..

I always get really motivated to use the treadmill at night.. O.o but I need to get up early so I can't :/

Today was a pretty productive day though. I got most of my bookwork for work done (doing a certificate program) and trained a new crew person :)
Although that's pretty much all I did today.
Woke up.
Had a shower.
Took progress pictures.
Compared progress pictures (significant difference)
Had lunch.
Went to work.
Came home from work.
Had a shower.
Had dinner.
Wrote/writing blog.
Then it's bed time.

That was pretty random. But there you go :p

I keep imagining having a giant binge in March. Like fantasizing about it. I don't really want to do it though. I've decided to keep restricting until I'm at my UGW. Then I will allow myself to have a treat. Maybe. Idk. I just want to get to my UGW ASAP. That's all I know :)

WOW! Sorry for the gigantic post!

Keep holding on.
-Kayla <3

Tuesday 24 January 2012

ABC Day 24

I don't even know.
I gained again.
I don't know why.
If I gain again tomorrow then wtf, I haven't eaten solids since 8:30am this morning..

Just a quick update today. Wanting to get to bed asap. Had to get up at 4:30am for work today.

Food diary:

Wholemeal toast.


3x cordial ice cups.

Total: 140 calories.
Limit: 150 calories.

Burnt calories at work. But didn't actually work out.

Weight gain today: 0.2kg (0.44 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 7.1kg (15.65 lb)
Weight: 64.0kg (141.09 lb)

Don't forget what this is for.
-Kayla <3

Monday 23 January 2012

ABC Day 23

Today I gained.

I seriously don't know why. Because I didn't have solids after 11:30am.. So I really don't know.

I didn't exercise again today. I'm so frigging lazy. It makes me so angry. I just want to be able to exercise and exercise and exercise. But I'm so unfit and just gosh darn lazy. My goal for the week is to exercise more.

Food diary:

Wholemeal toast.
15 grapes.

2x cordial ice cups.

Wholemeal toast.
2 egg whites.
Sweet chilli sauce.

Total: 190 calories.
Limit: 200 calories.

I did burn calories at work today though. So at least that is something.

I'm noticing changes in my stomach and my thighs. Also my work pants are super duper loose :D They probably wouldn't stay up very long if I didn't wear a belt :)

I've been watching eating disorder movies yesterday and today. So if you know of any good ones, let me know :D

Weight gain today: +0.3kg (0.66 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 7.3kg (16.09 lb)
Weight: 63.8kg (140.65 lb)

Whenever in doubt, just keep believing.
-Kayla <3

Sunday 22 January 2012

ABC Day 22

Didn't get up to much today.

Just work really. Burnt calories there, so that's good :)

I didn't work out again..

Tonight, my family had take away to celebrate my Mum's birthday that was last Monday. They had KFC. I had my soup. I wasn't going to sit at the table to have my soup while they were eating the KFC, because I thought it would be too tempting. But, when I looked at the food, it didn't even look appealing to me! That's a big step for me. Proud of myself :)

I have my food diary/schedual worked out for the next two weeks. :) So close to finishing the ABC! :) I need to figure out what I am going to do the last 10 days of February, and then also the months after. I want to keep going until I'm at my UGW or under. I really want to get there. I'm not going to eat whatever for months on end again.

Anyway! :)

Food Diary:

A piece of toast.

Salad that I make at home (the usual one I have)

3x cordial ice cups.

Cup of tomato soup.

Total: 248 calories.
Limit: 250 calories.

*Go ahead and skip this paragraph if you don't want to read something that's a bit too much info*
I haven't 'been to the bathroom' in a reeeallly long time. Like, the last time was in the first few days of ABC.. so yeah.. not good. I need some lax. But we don't own any and I don't want to ask my mum to get some.. and I don't want to go and buy some myself.. hm...   I could buy some online I guess? What's a good brand?

*TMI finished.*

You should go and listen to 'These Kids' by Joel Turner. It's about drugs and homelessness and stuff. But the chorus reminds me of the stuff we go through. 

Weight-loss today: 0.1kg (0.22 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 7.6kg (16.75 lb)
Weight: 63.5kg (139.99 lb)

Finally out of the 140's! :D Just.

'Nobody knows the suffering they go through, you wouldn't believe them if they told you.'
-Kayla <3

Saturday 21 January 2012

ABC Day 21

Today was good.

I woke up super dehydrated though. So I drank heeeaaaapsss of water today.

I didn't work out though. Didn't really have the energy.

Food diary:

2 egg whites.

3x cordial ice cups.

Potato bake.

Total: 281 calories.
Limit: 300 calories.

Not too much to update about today..

Weight-loss today: 0.7kg (1.54 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 7.5kg (16.53 lb)
Weight: 63.6kg (140.21 lb)

Stay strong forever.
-Kayla <3

Friday 20 January 2012

ABC Day 20 - Fasting again :)

*Let me warn you now. This blog is very random and rambley. Sorry in advance :P*

Today went well. It was another fast day today.

I only got around 3 hours of sleep last night though. It made my back hurt like hell at work (it does that when I'm tired o.O) I didn't get all too hungry. :)

I haven't drunk enough water today. I never do. >.< I know I need to, but my mind knows I'm not aloud to eat, so absent minded, I avoid everything.

Intake today - 0 calories. :)

I also burnt calories at work today, so that's a plus.

I had a nap this afternoon, so I haven't really done much today.
I haven't done my toning/strength exercises.
Not sure if I have the energy to do them today.

My right hip hurts from when I was doing side leg lifts yesterday, on the floor. Like, it was digging into the floor or something. Which is weird. Because there is still heaps of fat covering them..

I've decided that when I reach 55kg (121.25 lb) which is 9.4kg (20.72 lb) (god that seems ages away) I am going to dye my hair. Not sure what I'll be doing to it, but I want a change :)
Getting my hair trimmed whenever I'm not so lazy to go to the salon. I only have either tomorrow and then next weekend that I know of free. Working all of the other days. So, it's a little tricky to work it in there.

Getting a pedicure with my mum whenever we are both free too :) For her birthday that was Monday. :)

Weight-loss is slowing down. But I'm still losing. That's the main thing :)
As I'm losing more weight, I seem to be getting more confident in decision making. Like school, hair, money, life in general. I hope this confidence keeps growing.

Weight-loss today: 0.1kg (0.22 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 6.8kg (14.99 lb)
Weight: 64.3kg (141.75 lb)

Sometimes change is good :)
-Kayla <3

Thursday 19 January 2012

ABC Day 19

Today I had planned to exercise to the max. I just didn't have the energy though. I did do all of my toning/strength exercises though.

Food diary:

3x cordial ice cups.

Mixed veggies.
2 egg whites.

Total: 82 calories.
Limit: 100 calories.

Fasting tomorrow. I hope it goes well. Working for a few hours in the morning. Which is going to be horrible because I slept half the day today because I had a late shift last night. I have to get up at 4am. So I'm going to get hardly any sleep..

Weight-loss today: 0.1kg (0.22 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 6.7kg (14.77 lb)
Weight: 64.4kg (141.97

No matter how you feel.
-Kayla <3

ABC Day 18 - Fainted

When I got out of bed this morning, I walked to the bathroom, as you do. I felt light headed and couldn't see all too good, you know what I mean? But I just kept walking, because I know that it passes in a few seconds.
Well, I got to the bathroom, closed the door and was still light headed. So I was holding onto the wall until it passed. Next thing I know I heard a bang and was on the floor with my mum trying to open the door which I was behind. She was like "Are you ok?!: as I was getting up off the floor. i just told her "yeah, I was like half asleep or something" and laughed it off.
That was the first time that I have EVER fainted. I felt perfectly fine after though. Scares me a little though..

My parents were then watching me wearily all day. I ate in front of them, just in case they suspected that it was because I hadn't eaten.

Food diary:


Piece of toast.
Egg white.

Salad (beetroot, lettuce, egg white, coleslaw.)

Total: 194 calories.
Limit: 200 calories.

Nothing really. Apart from working for 8.5 hours. I got called in an hour early, so yay for more money and not sitting around doing nothing.

I REALLY want to go hard out with the exercise tomorrow. I just have to find the strength to do it. 

Weight-loss: 0.5kg (1.10 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 6.6kg (14.55 lb)
Weight: 64.5kg (142.19 lb)

Pick yourself up and keep going.
-Kayla <3

Tuesday 17 January 2012

ABC Day 17 - Fasting :)

Fasting day today! :)

It went well :D I had nothing but water :)

I worked for four hours, so that would have burnt quite a few calories there. I am yet to do my toning/strength exercises though.

I did my toning/strength exercises last night though. I didn't do ALL of them though. I did:
100 crunches.
10 semi push ups.
50 front leg lifts each leg.

I was just too tired to do any more. Not muscle tired, but sleepy tired. I am right now too. But I'll do them. I'll at least do the crunches.

I didn't drink NEARLY enough water today. Going to try and drink a cup of water every hour tomorrow. Until I go to work for 7 hours. Then I'll just get one whenever I want one. Which isn't that often, because I don't want to have to go to the loo all the time during work. But anyway. :)

So, I finish the ABC diet on the 19th of February. Like the 19th is day 50. So, that would leave 10 days of February left. I got thinking and I'm like, why not just start another diet straight after the ABC until the end of February? So, at the moment I am trying to find a 10 day diet. Or something that looks good. Any suggestions?

It's my day off of work on Thursday, so I am definitely going to try and get on the treadmill. I NEED TO. No if, buts, or maybes.

In the process of working out my food diary for next week. :) Only two days to complete.

Weight-loss today: 0.3kg (0.66 lb)
ABC weight-loss today: 6.1kg (13.44 lb)
Weight: 65kg (143.30 lb)

So close, yet so far.
-Kayla <3

Monday 16 January 2012

ABC Day 16 - Happy Birthday Mum!

It's my mum's birthday today! We didn't have a special dinner or cake or anything though, because she had to go to work still. Not sure if we're going to do something another night.


Today, work asked me to work tomorrow, it is only 3.5 hours, so I said yes. It's the lunch rush though. It's a fasting day tomorrow. I'm worried. I HAVE to get through it though.

I didn't use the treadmill today. By the time I got home and had had dinner it was too late and I am ridiculously tired. I don't know why, because I slept in today..

Food Diary:

10 grapes.

Toasted bun.
Tomato slice.
Sweet chili sauce.

Cordial ice cup.

Total: 198 calories.
Limit: 200 calories.

The only exercise that I have done today is what I did at work. Walking around and I also had to clean a very messy dining room today. Including mopping and cleaning windows. So that was a bit of a workout.

As soon as I finish this post I am going to do my toning/strength exercises that I did yesterday.

Weight-loss today: 0.4kg (0.88 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 5.8kg (12.78 lb)
Weight: 65.3kg (143.96 lb)

It's time to live your life.
-Kayla <3

1000 blog views!

My blog has been viewed over 1000 times when I checked my stats this morning! (I know that isn't much, for views ever, but I'm getting there!)
 I think this calls for some thinspo! :D
Thank you all so much! <3

KENZA LET ME BE YOU! I love this girl.

-Kayla <3

Sunday 15 January 2012

ABC Day 15 - :D

I'm at an all new LW as of this morning! :D

I'll post my stats and stuffT the end :)

I just finished doing some strength exercises. It wasn't much, but it's a start. I really need to start doing exercise. So I've decided to do strength one day then cardio the next and so on.

100 crunches.
10 push ups (with knees)
50 scissor leg lifts each leg.
50 under scissor leg lifts each leg.
50 straight up while on back leg lifts each leg.
50 opposite arm and leg lifts while on tummy each side.
10 squats.

Food diary:

20 grapes.

4x cordial ice cups.

Uncle Toby's Golden Syrup oats.

Total: 204 calories.
Limit: 250 calories.

I didn't plan on being so under my limit. I just didn't get all that hungry. :)

I'm in a bit of a blah mood at the moment. I just want to stay at home and focus on losing weight and not socialize. Not keen on going to work this week. I don't know why.. I quite enjoy work. I am also craving social interaction, at the same time. I think that I might be in this mood because I haven't really spoken to anyone all day. God I wish I had some friends hahaa.
What a depressing rant :P sorry!

Weight-loss today: 0.5kg (1.10 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 5.4kg (11.90 lb)

Weight: 65.7kg (144.84 lb)

I'm going to try and not eat as much at night, try and make my larger consumptions during the day.

Work for it and it will happen.
-Kayla <3

Saturday 14 January 2012

ABC Day 14 - Temptation

My sisters engagement party was today. The food there was so tempting. But I resisted and just stuck to my fruit and salad.

I had gained when I weighed in this morning though.. :/ I'll post all that at the end of this post, as usual.

Food diary:

2 egg whites.

Different types of nuts (can't be bothered typing out all the names, but I had like one of each kind. It was within my calorie limit, so it's fine)
2x cordial ice cups.
Tiniest bit of cake (half a spoon)

White bread roll.
Tomato slice.

(snacks where spread out during the day/night)

Total: 332 calories.
Limit: 350 calories.

The calories are getting lower and lower this week. Hopefully I lose a decent amount of weight because of that :)

On a totally random not; at the moment I am contemplating whether to go back to school or not. I dropped out in the middle of last year while I was in year 11. (second last year) I just really want to have the chance to go to university if I wanted to and what not, y'know. A d it'd allow me to get a good job in the future..
But I never used to go when I was in school still. (I get social anxiety) Which is why I had to drop out.. So.. I'm not sure if I'd go. I don't want to go buying everything and then not like it and want to drop out again.. So conflicted.. :/ I really just want some friends to hang out with too..

Anyway, sorry about that little rant thing there :P

Weight-loss/gain today: +0.2kg (0.44 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 4.9kg (10.80 lb)

Weight: 66.2kg (145.94 lb)

Just say "no, thanks"
-Kayla <3

Friday 13 January 2012

ABC Day 13

I lost 0.1kg today. It's not much, but it's a loss.

I am now down to 66kg (145.50 lb)

Ridiculously tired, so excuse the vague post.

Food diary:

3/4 of a white piece of toast.

Salad (coleslaw, lettuce, beet root, egg white)

Cordial ice cup.

3x white pieces of toast.
Sweet chilli sauce.
50g (ish) of mixed vegetables. (carrot, colliflower, brocoli)

Total: 384 calories.
Limit: 400 calories.

I kind of went overboard on the bread today. I had planned to have a high calorie dinner, with pasta in it. But I would of been able to only have the tiniest bit f pasta. So I just went with whatever, which lead to a toast binge. Kind of. Yet it was kind of thought out binge, so that if kept within my calorie limit.

I'll probably gain when I weigh in tomorrow.

Weight-loss today: 0.1kg (0.22 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 5.1kg (11.24 lb)

Weight: 66kg (145.50 lb)

Stay strong. No matter what you're feeling.
-Kayla <3

Thursday 12 January 2012

ABC Day 12 - Losing again :)

I finally lost weight. Thank goodness. Those last two weigh in's had me worried.

I looked at thinspo pretty much all afternoon and night. :)

Keen for tomorrows weigh in. I have a goods feeling about it.

I'm going to start doing my food diary in meals. So here it is :)

Food diary:

2 poached egg whites.

4x cordial ice cups (not all at once of course)

1 piece of white toast.
A table spoon of mixed veggies (corn, peas, carrot)
Poached egg white.

Total: 163 calories.

Limit: 200 calories.


I need to stop eating so many cordial ice cups. They're making me feel yuck. But they're stopping me from binging out of boredom on worse foods.. I'll just try and cut back. Busy for the next two days, so hopefully that distracts me from them.

I hope you all liked my thinspo post I posted earlier :)

I took some pictures of myself before, to see if I could see any progress. I'm not sure if I do see any progress. But I did see that I have a long way to go. A long long way. Lucky I am no where near finished yet! :)

I hope you are all having or had a fabulous day!

Oh also, I need to exercise more. Cardio and toning ecercises.

Weight-loss today: 0.5kg (1.10 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 5kg (11.02 lb)

Weight: 66.1kg (145.72 lb)

Whatever it takes.
-Kayla <3

We all need a little thinspo in our lives :)

-Kayla <3

Wednesday 11 January 2012

ABC Day 11 - Ugh.

I gained weight. Again.


Not much to say today. Just that I don't know what I am going to do with myself if I gain again tomorrow. I know I'll want to binge. Because what's the point in restricting if I'm just going to gain anyway, right? I don't want to though. That's just how the story always goes though.

Food diary:

Poached egg white.
5x cordial ice cups. (yes, it was an extremely hot and long day. Kept me from binging on actual food though)
Tomato soup.

Total: 134 calories.

Limit: 150 calories.


Weight-loss/gain: +0.4kg (0.88 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 4.5kg (9.92 lb)

Weight: 66.6kg (146.82 lb)

Have faith. Even when all you see is doubt.
-Kayla <3

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Day 10 - 1/5 of the way there!

Today marks that I have completed a fifth of the ABC diet :) that is the only happy thing about today.

I gained weight.

I think it's from the rice.

I didn't gain like a kilo, but it's still a gain. 0.2kg gain.

Wishing so hard that I have lost when I weigh in, in the morning.. Going to be so unmotivated if I gain again..

Food diary:

Salad, with egg white.
Table spoon of veggies.
2x cordial ice cups.

Total: 400
Limit: 400 (swapped with day 8)

Anyway, my mum's birthday is next Monday, my family usually has take away (fast food) when it's one of our birthdays. It's going to be tough to try and find something low calorie t eat.. :/

Keen for some sleep. Hoping for a better number tomorrow :)

Weightloss/gain today: +0.2kg (0.44 lb)
ABC weightloss: 4.8kg (10.58 lb)

Weight today: 66.3kg (146.16 lb)

Just keep going.
-Kayla <3

Monday 9 January 2012

ABC Day 9 - Today was a scorcher

The whether was beyond hot today. It was ridiculous. To make the neat worse, I had work. All of the workers were all red faced and sweating. Hottest day we've had in January, the news said.

Anyway, today was a higher calorie day, 500 calories to be exact.

I woke up with head spins. I felt like I was going to faint every time I stood up. I had we breakfast. They were still there. I had sme lunch. They were still there. I had dinner. They were still there. Yay. I think I noticed them less when I was at ok, but that was because I was keeping busy, and on my feet do I wasn't getting up from a seated position.

Food diary:

Korma sauce.
Cordial ice cup.

Total: 483 calories.

Not bad :)

When I was at work, when I was walking fast, or lifting something heavy, it felt like I had been heavily working out for like a week and that my muscles were tired. Ive barely been doing any exercise apart from work though.. :S

I took my first multivitamin today. Not sure if I noticed any difference or anything. But they're more of a long term thing.

I was working out what I am going to be eating in the coming weeks, I didn't ow see I've been getting easy for the past week. There are a whole lot more lower calorie days and fasts to come. I. Must. Not. Fail.

Laying in air-con right now because it's still boiling hot. Even had a cold shower earlier. Anyway, work at 5 in the morning tomorrow, so I better try and get to sleep.

Weightloss today: 0.7kg (1.54 lb)
ABC weightloss: 5.0kg (11.02 lb)

New LW! 66.1kg :)

Dream the dreams, you want to dream.
-Kayla <3

Sunday 8 January 2012

ABC Day 8 :)

Today I fasted because I swapped day 8 and day 10 around. Feeling great :)

Also! I am at a NEW new LW! :D 66.8kg :)

Keen as beans to see what the number on the scale will say tomorrow :

I tried to drink plenty of water. But I didn't drink THAT much. I could have drunk a lot more.

My family had pizza for dinner. It smelt pretty good. I didn't want to eat it though. But it did make my stomach grumble. I just had some water and I was fine. I Juan a shower for the majority of the time that they were eating so it was all good :)

I did get told I looked pale though.. I felt fine though :)

Food diary:

Nothing :D

Total: 0 calories.

Weightloss today: 0.5kg (1.10 lb)

ABC weightloss: 4.3kg (9.47 lb)

I hope everyone is doing well too! :)

Do it today, not 'tomorrow'.
-Kayla <3

Saturday 7 January 2012

ABC Day 7 - Smiles all round

Woke up to the lowest number on the scale I've seen since I was like.. 10. (I didn't like to weigh myself very much because I hated the number)

That number being 67.3kg :)

Hoping for an evn lower number when I wake up tomorrow. But I don't really feel like I've lost. I feel like I ate heaps today. Even though I stayed I under my calorie limit.

Food diary:

Uncle Toby oats made with water.
Cordial ice cup.
Small serving of potato bake.
Cordial ice cup.

Total: 299 calories.

Goal: 300 calories.

Didn't do ANY exercise today. I just didn't have the energy. I just wanted to do nothing for a day.

I got some multivitamins today :) it says to take them with food, and I'm fasting tomorrow, so I'll start taking them on Monday.

Super tired and not all too much to post about today.

Weightloss today: 0.7kg (1.54 lb)
ABC weightloss: 3.8kg (8.37 lb)

Be strong, stay strong.
-Kayla <3

Friday 6 January 2012

ABC Day 6

I feel a lot better today. Not entirely sure why. It MIT be because I woke up to a new low weight :) that's right people! I've reached my lowest weight :) its a pretty pathetic number, but it's a start :D

Food diary:

Salad with egg white. (the one usually have.)
Corial ice cup.
Tomato soup.

Total: 198 calories.

It was a 200 calorie day today, so I'm under my calorie goal :)

A guy gave me his number today. Just randomly at work. I probably won't text or call him though, I think he is way older than me. I think he thinks I'm way older than I am too :P like.. Not 16.

Anyway! The new LW that I reached is 68kg. REALLY hoping that I've lost weight when I weigh in tomorrow, but I just have a feeling that I've put on.. I don't know why though..

Weight loss today: 1kg (2.20 lb)

ABC weightloss so far: 3.1kg (6.83 lb)

You'll get there.
-Kayla <3

Thursday 5 January 2012

ABC day 5

Today wasn't too bad. I got in heaps of exercise at work. But I had my meal break around 8am, so I went the rest of the day without food, apart from a cordial ice cup, which I had for dinner.

Food diary:

Two egg whites - 30.
Sale consisting of lettuce, beet root, tomato and coleslaw - 58.
Cordial ice cup - 9.

Total - 97 calories.

It was a 100 calorie day today, some was under my limit :)

I only lost 0.1kg when I weighed in this morning. :/

Not too much to update you guys about.. Sorry about that.

Another early start tomorrow, again. Have to get up at 4am.
Also, I have a new rule, I've had it before, at an earlier time though, but because it's summer, my family tends to eat dinner later. But anyway, my new rule is that I'm not aloud any food or liquids after 8pm.

Oh! Also I'm swapping day 8 and 10 around of the ABC diet. So I'm going to be fast this Sunday, when I'm not working, so I can eat something for energy when I have a long shift on Tuesday.

My friend on twitter, @skinnySilver, told me to start taking vitamins. Going to try and get some ASAP.

Woah, this is a long post for someone that doesn't have a lot to update about :P

Also, super random, I just saw an ad for the Bratz movie, it makes me wish I had a group of friends :/

ABC weightloss so far - 2.1kg (4.62 lb)

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.
-Kayla <3

Wednesday 4 January 2012

ABC day 4 - Sigh.

Today, I kept under my calorie goal. I ate 372 of my allowed 400. Not bad. But I was oh so close to breaking it while I was out with my friend today. She wanted to get lollies and everything for the movies, but we ended up getting McDonald's, (I ate a somewhat healthier option)

Super tired at the moment, so sorry if this post is kind of vague.

Food diary:

One egg white
McDonald's cheeseburger(without meat, add tomato slice and lettuce)
McDonald's apple bag.
Salad consisting of lettuce beet root and coleslaw.

Total: 372 calories.

Went down 0.7kg when I weighed in this morning.

Also, I have to move my fast day from next Tuesday, to some other day. I have a big shift at work today, so I need my energy. When I work out what day I am swapping it for, I'll let you guys know.

I didn't work out today, apart from working a few hours this morning. I was pretty much out all day.

100 calorie day tomorrow. I'm losing energy. Although, that may be from all of my early shift I've been doing, had to get up at 4 this morning :/

Weightloss so far: 2kg (4.40 lb)

Keep going, even when you want not give up.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

ABC day 3 - So Dehydrated

Under my calorie goal again :)
Didn't lose that much since yesterday.. Only lost like 0.5kg. Oh well, at least it's a loss.

Food diary. Can't be bothered typing out the calories tonight.

Piece of toast.
Salad consisting of egg white, coleslaw, beet root slice, iceberg lettuce and a tomato slice.
Tomato soup.

Total- 224 calories.

Limit was 300. Not a bad effort at all. :)

Tomorrow will be the real challenge. I'm going to the movies with a friend, and she always insists on getting snacks or lunch.. I have a plan in case she does insist we get lunch, but I hope I don't have to get it.. Anyway, if I do you'll see it in my food diary tomorrow. Don't worry I'll be keeping to my calorie limit.

On another note; I officially got promoted today :D

Oh also, I didn't do any exercise on the treadmill today, because I was at work all day, this. I had to go back an hour later for a meeting.
My legs feel funny o.O maybe because I didn't exercise today? I don't know? O.o

ABC weightloss: 1.3kg (2.86 lb)

I hope 2012 is going well for you so far :)

Monday 2 January 2012

ABC day 2!

Going strong so far :) but, it's only the second day.. But I hope this motivation keeps up! :D

A few girls off of twitter are joing me with the ABC diet :) so they're gret motivation/support :)

Made a new playlist today :) to keep myself from getting bored when I'm on the treadmill. Loving all the new songs :) even though it's music from a few years ago mostly.. It's nice to hear them again :)

Anyway, food diary for today:

1 piece of toast- 72 cals.
Iceberg lettuce- 5 cals.
Beet root slice- 11 cals.
Tomato slice- 3 cals.
Coleslaw- 34 cals.
2 pieces of bread- 144 cals.

Total: 269 cals.

Not bad at all for a 500 or less day :)

I bought a 2012 diary today to record all of my food, exercise and weight loss in it :)

I also did 3.22km in 38minutes on the treadmill today :)

I'm off to make my salad for work tomorrow :)

Oh also, I lost 0.8kg since yesterday. I am now at 70.3kg.. Ew. (yes, I've put on weight..)

Never give up.
-Kayla <3

Sunday 1 January 2012

Thinspo Time!

I can't believe I've never done a thinspo post.. Enjoy!
To being able to relax on your boyfriend without worrying about hurting him.

Being visibly thin in loose clothing.

Not having to worry about posing a specific way, so you don't look fat.

To having collarbones worthy of being jealous over.

To have a flat stomach.

To have the body you've always wanted.

To look good in your underwear.

To lay in the sun without worrying about looking fat.

Hip bones and thigh gaps <3

To look good in anything.

To party without worrying about looking fat.

To be thin.

Collarbones <3


Thigh gaps <3333

Do it for yourself. Do it to prove them wrong. Do it for the body you'll have.
-Kayla <3