Monday 16 July 2012

New found love

Coffee; my savior. Last week I was having a little bit of coffee a day. It's grown on me and now I love it. Pretty sure I'm addicted. It puts me in such a great mood. I love it! For the past 3 days (today being the third day) I've only been drinking coffee during the day and then having my regular dinner. I plan on doing this all week and I'm hoping to lose 5kg this week by doing so. At the moment I'm at 0.4kg/5.0kg. So I still have to lose 4.6kg to lose before Saturday morning. I doubt I'll lose a whole 5kg. But that's my goal. Weight this morning 76.1kg. Fuck. Finally back in the right mind set to lose. I need this. <3

Wednesday 4 July 2012

There's one thing missing

I am absolutely loving life at the moment.

People have literally said that I am glowing.

I went to a bonfire party last weekend and saw friends I haven't seen in nearly a year. I actually socialized and had a good time. It's like I'm a new me. I was speaking to someone on facebook that was at the party and they said that I was so outgoing and bubbly. Those words have NEVER been associated with me before. EVER. It's quite a nice change!

I've just been really confident, talkative and happy lately. I love it.

And it's actually quite surprising, because I am at a higher weight that the weight I naturally maintain. Which is bothering me quite a bit. But I've started cutting down, choosing healthier options and doing toning exercises and some walking. I need to focus on cardio a bit more. To burn this fat.
I don't fit into most of my clothes which is annoying :\
But it can only get better from here, right?

When I lose this weight; life will be perfect <3

You will find happiness.
-Kayla <3