About Me and Stats

About Me:
My name is Kayla.
I live in Australia.
I want to travel the world. 
I am a self proclaimed nerd. 
I have OCD when it comes to stairs.
I have anxiety and a slight case of depression every now and then. 
My whole family is overweight.
My secret is my dream to be a musician and actress.
It will probably never happen.

My Stats:
CW: 59.5kg (131.17 lb)
HW: 93.8kg (206.79 lb)
LW: 59.5kg (131.17 lb)

GW1: 75kg (165.34 lb) [x] (23.04.11)
GW2: 70kg (154.32 lb) [x] (24.07.11)
GW3: 68kg (149.81 lb) [x] (06.01.12)
GW4: 65kg (143.30 lb) [x] (17.01.12)
GW5: 60kg (132.27 lb) [x] (18.02.2012)
GW6: 55kg (121.25 lb) [ ]
UGW: 50kg (110.23 lb) [ ]

If you want to recover from your eating disorder, or are feeling depressed and/or suicidal, seek medical help, or call the National Eating Disorders Association at 800-931-2237 or go to http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/

You always have options.

You can contact me at:

 Or you can check out my twitter at:

Believe, and stay strong.
-Kayla <3