Wednesday 6 April 2016

Long time no see..

Hey guys,

It's been three or so years.. I'm sure no one reads this anymore, but it's a nice little diary for me to keep for myself.

I have/had 'recovered' (and I use that term loosely in my case) in these past years. I am now a regular gym goer, it is something I really enjoy. I still struggle with BED still though. I can usually lose the weight from a binge, pretty easily though.. but lately has been really tough. I'm at a really high weight at the moment and the weight just won't budge.. So I've kind of slipped back into old habits..
I'm not restricting too severely as I am trying to maintain a much muscle mass as I can.. At the moment I'm restricting to around 700-1100, depending if I'm working out or not that day.
Iv'e lost a couple of kg in the past few days from doing so. Mostly water weight, just de-bloating you know.
I'm sick of yo-yoing, but I don't know how to stop. Every time I lose a significant amount of weight, even healthily, I ALWAYS binge, no matter what. I'm at my wits end.

I'm going to update my 'Rewards' page, to hopefully give myself a little more incentive to not binge in the future..

K xx