Monday, 13 February 2012

ABC Day 44

I feel like I don't have much to blog about today. But I'm sure it'll turn into a gigantic post as usual :P

I worked for 5 hours this morning. It was super slow though. So I didn't burn as many calories as usual.

When I got home, I didn't allow myself to consume any calories until I had done 100 crunches and 10 reverse crunches. Going to do them as soon as I wake up tomorrow :)

Food diary:

1 rice cake with avocado spread.


3 cordial ice cups.
Small frozen banana.

Egg white omlette.

Total: 199 calories.
Limit: 200 calories.

Going to make some egg white quiche tomorrow. 33 calories each :) Hopefully they turn out alright.. haha :P

I really need to go bra shopping. I only have like one or two that aren't too big now.. and those that do somewhat fit were too small before. Yay for progress, but not for my bank account :P

Also, I only have like one pair of shorts that fit. Well, the last time I tried them on they fit.. Not as tight of course. But they're the only ones that are wearable in public.
AND I bought a belt to go around my waist with a dress late last year, and I tried it on just the other day. It is loose now! I was like 'woah!' It used to fit snugly!

Really in the mood for cooking. But I don't want to cook anything like baking or whatever, because I don't want to be tempted to binge on it. Only cooking safe foods for now.

Told you it would be a long post ;P

Gained. Not entirely sure why.. it's so frustrating.

Weight-gain today: 0.3kg (0.66 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 10.4kg (22.92 lb)
Weight: 60.7kg (133.82 lb)

Think about it; no one ever regrets working out.
-Kayla <3