Sunday, 19 February 2012

ABC Day 50 - A feeling of accomplishment

The last day of ABC. Woah. I feel like it's more of a lifestyle than a diet now a days though.
Looking back, it seems like it went by really quickly..

I will post before, during and after pictures tomorrow. Along with before and after measurements and weight.

Like a 'in conclusion' blog.

So, today was a fast day. To tell you the truth, I have pretty much no energy right now. I think it's because I worked out this morning..
I know right! Shocking much! :P

Food diary:


Limit: 0 calories.
Total: 0 calories.

So, for the remaining 10 days of this month I have decided to do a fruit and veggie diet. (sorry if I mentioned that yesterday, I can't remember..)
I stocked up on fruit and vegetables today, so yay :)

Then in March, I am going to of course keep my calories low, but I am going to try new recipes and foods. Whilst staying vegetarian. :)

I am going to try and eat lots of iron rich fruit and veggies, to try and clear up the bruises that cover my legs. Literally. :\

So, for exercise this morning; I did 1 minute of jumping jacks, 1 minute of jumping around dancing and what not. Then 20 minutes on the treadmill and 20 squats. I burnt 82 calories. Not as much as I would have liked. But it's something.

Mum is buying me some weights tomorrow, to tone up my arms :)

Going to alternate cardio and strength days.

My family is eating dinner at the moment. Both of my parents asked what I was having for dinner, before. I just said "I dunno".
When I say that, I think they assume that I'm not eating. Because I ALWAYS know what I am going to have.

Just realized I still have to make my salad for tomorrow's lunch. Gah, I just want to go lay in my bed.
Oh well, it doesn't take too long.

I've drunk a decent amount of water today. But I could have probably drank more.
Going to go drink some after I finish typing this. I just realized how thirsty I am..

Hoping to get down to 55kg by the end of February.

Weight-loss today: 0.2kg (0.44 lb)
ABC weight-loss: 11.6kg (25.57 lb)
Weight: 59.5kg (131.17 lb)

Anything can be accomplished.
-Kayla <3