Thursday, 26 January 2012

ABC Day 26 - Happy Australia Day!

Today was Australia Day. So my family had a BBQ in celebration.
I just had some lettuce and coleslaw. The meat didn't even appeal to me. I think I am going to carry on my vegetarianism even after February. :)

Today I worked for 4 hours. It was ridiculously busy! I didn't get a moment if rest! Public holidays are usually pretty busy though.

Food diary:

Little but of coleslaw.

4x cordial ice cups.

Total: 50 calories.
Limit: 50 calories.

I burnt about 631 calories at work. So yay :)

My friend who I've only just started talking to again after months of no contact, is really into fitness and working out, at the moment. She is also a vegetarian. So we are hopefully going to work out together, and she is going to teach me how to cook some vegetarian meals and what not :)

Weight-loss today: 0.2kg (0.44lb)
ABC weight-loss: 8.1kg (17.85 lb)
Weight: 63.0kg (138.89 lb)

Don't give up.
-Kayla <3