Monday, 2 January 2012

ABC day 2!

Going strong so far :) but, it's only the second day.. But I hope this motivation keeps up! :D

A few girls off of twitter are joing me with the ABC diet :) so they're gret motivation/support :)

Made a new playlist today :) to keep myself from getting bored when I'm on the treadmill. Loving all the new songs :) even though it's music from a few years ago mostly.. It's nice to hear them again :)

Anyway, food diary for today:

1 piece of toast- 72 cals.
Iceberg lettuce- 5 cals.
Beet root slice- 11 cals.
Tomato slice- 3 cals.
Coleslaw- 34 cals.
2 pieces of bread- 144 cals.

Total: 269 cals.

Not bad at all for a 500 or less day :)

I bought a 2012 diary today to record all of my food, exercise and weight loss in it :)

I also did 3.22km in 38minutes on the treadmill today :)

I'm off to make my salad for work tomorrow :)

Oh also, I lost 0.8kg since yesterday. I am now at 70.3kg.. Ew. (yes, I've put on weight..)

Never give up.
-Kayla <3