Sunday, 1 January 2012

First post of 2012 &+ ABC day 1

It's weird to say that it is 2012.. I hope everyone had a good night and first day of 2012 :)

Now, onto my first day of the ABC diet.

Calorie intake: 431.
Distance on treadmill: 1.75km. (not even close to good enough.)

But considering it was my first time back on the treadmill, it's not a total disaster. Kind of. Definitely have to try harder tomorrow.

What I ate:

Bread roll.

Under my calorie limit which is a plus :)

Now on to a different subject. I've been flirting with this guy via text for a while now, but I'm not sure whether to start going out with him though.. Im not sure if I am physically attracted to him, because he is on the bigger side.. I know it isn't all about looks, but it does play a major part in it really. I've never really had a boyfriend before, so I'm unsure whether I actually like him or I am just flattered that he likes me.. You know?

Any advise on the matter above would be VERY appreciated.

We'll reach our goals this year.